Dr Prabhu Dev
4 min readAug 1, 2024

What does commitment mean to me?

Commitment means dedication to a cause larger than yourself. It is about answering a call that creates a new context for your life. When you turn breakdowns into breakthroughs, whatever comes at you in life can become a gift! Commitment is compelling when connected to the needs of the world that touch your heart. The very words “I commit” can stir the soul of both the one who speaks them and those who hear them.

Life is filled with twists, turns, and unexpected hurdles. As we navigate this intricate path, we encounter challenges that test our resilience, determination, and spirit. Often it is a picture of scaling mountains and swimming in oceans! Quitting at the first sign of difficulty is the path of least resistance! Often we give up too easily when things get tough. We allow our fears and doubts to get the best of us, and before we know it, we have talked ourselves out of what we want. Life is hard no matter what.

So many times in life I’ve committed to something and then quit. I quit because I could not take it! I quit because it was just too hard. Or I quit because I didn’t have my mind completely focused on bringing it full circle. When we quit something, we give up on it. But I’m not a quitter. I relish when the going gets tough because I know the reward for succeeding and enduring will likely be even more meaningful.

The saying “this too shall pass” is rooted in wisdom. Tough times don’t last, but tough people do!

Commitment is when our actions meet the expectations of our words! There’s congruency between intent, words and action. Passion is the essence of commitment! It’s the fire which motivates us. When passion is missing, our actions lack meaning and velocity. Commitment is persistence! It is the ultimate expression of our values and who we are! It is the merging of our ideals and our being.

Every commitment you make strengthens your character and helps you grow. To me, it goes beyond mere involvement! It means not giving up even if the going gets tough. It means doing it regardless of the reasons that tell you not to. It builds self-respect! It builds trust! Commitment is not quitting when it gets challenging.

I am committed to my family. I am committed to my marriage and our friendship. I am committed to my health. I work out moderately and eat with my heart in mind and enjoy the life I am blessed with! I am committed to my children. God entrusted their care to me as a father. I am committed to change. I don’t want to remain who I am. I want to keep growing. I want to be better today than I was yesterday! It’s a promise to myself.

Commitment in a relationship is to be with each other, based on love, trust, honesty, and openness to show ‘ you are there for the other’! Trust and commitment are built in a relationship every time! When you choose commitment, you resist the temptation to betray your partner. You create trust and safety. Gratitude is nurtured! Speak with Honesty! Be sincere! Act with integrity! Treat the other person the way you want to be treated!

Compatibility is the natural alignment of the values of two people. When there is a high degree of chemistry, that strong connection can bring out warm, fuzzy emotions through which two people continue to make each other feel better and better.

Commitment means giving your all. Call it passion; call it love; call it sickness. The basic traits and your behaviours ravage each others dopamine receptors in a neurological orgy of starry-eyed dreaminess. You are in empathy with the other! True love is when two people have pathologies that complement one another.

The institution of marriage is most identified with the pledge of commitment. It is an undertaking of legal vows to substantiate our pledge to fidelity, if not continued love. However, statistics reveal that more than half of marriages experience infidelity, and we’re all aware of the divorce rate. Infidelity is rampant, yet we demand monogamy. Just about 9 per cent mate for life. For many, any breach of sexual exclusivity spells disaster.

Having a faithful partner is an entitlement to marriage. Fidelity may not keep a marriage going but be sure infidelity can end one! Marriage demands love, fidelity and faithfulness!

Dr Prabhu Dev

Former director of Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology, Former VC of Bangalore University and former chairman of the Karnataka State Health Commission